Subject to Import Transactions;
· Commodities to be purchased are the subject of promoting projects
· To determine the Customs Tariff Statistics Positions
· Removing incentive certificates
· Preparing and certifying local and imported global lists in Investment Incentives
· Arranging and certifying vouchers if available
· After the receipt of the receipt of the receipt of the bill of lading, the bill of lading
· Take part in
· If there is any doubt about the goods before issuing the customs declaration,
· Inspection of goods starting from customs clearance and registration procedures
· If there is deficiency, damage or inaccuracy, making the minutes, informing the places where information should be given
· Make the accruals by paying the value of the guarantee
· To carry the company to the desired location and to deliver it to the authorities
· Close the bank commitment accounts
· If the incentive files are incomplete, close and resolve any collateral
· To take the checks containing customs taxes and duties and to make the payment to the authorized authorities
· To transfer customs duties and fees to customs account on-line.
· To provide transportation support for transporting the customs goods to the desired location.